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Want your Facebook followers to know more about you as a person? Do you manage a page for an organisation that you want to tell people about? Impressum are the latest ways introduced by Facebook to get the word out.
In a lot of places, having an Impressum might be legally binding for your facebook page, to maintain security and minors’ safety on the internet. Whatever be your reasons to add one, putting an Impressum on your Facebook page is extremely easy.
What are Impressums?
Facebook Impressums are like bios for your page. These little boxes of text can be used to convey your organisation’s address, contact details, names of admins or affiliations of other sorts, so your audience can make use of the relevant information as and when needed. You can add quirky writeups, tell briefly about your page and what it aims to do, and how your audience can reach out to you.
Certain countries in Europe make it mandatory to have an Impressum on your Facebook page, containing contact information. This comes as a security measure to prevent cyber crime.
How to make your own Facebook Impressum?
Whether it is your own will to make one or a legal requirement, it can be pretty easy to make your own impressum. Just follow the steps I mention.
- Login to your Facebook Account
- Open the page you administer.
- Go to “About” on the home page of your Facebook Page.
- Look for “Impressum”. Ordinarily, it should be filled with Latin text. Click Edit.
- Write a nice catchy Impressum, and add the required information.
- Click Save Changes, and you’re all set.
This method is better to follow on your Laptop browser, because of the bigger screen you have to make your changes.
How to make your Impressum useful and interesting?
Now when you’re going to write an Impressum, you’re probably going to want to keep it in tune with your page’s content. A lot of people tend to get confused on whether their content is good enough for the page or not. So here’s a short list of steps to check through when writing your Impressum.
- Keep your language consistent with the page’s content. If you share funny stuff, you might want to keep the tone light. If it is a more professional space, like an office building, then you should go for a more sober writing style. Keep a restaurant’s page’s Impressum welcoming and accordingly for nightclubs or any other sort of page.
- Include your business/organisation details prominently.
- If you have allied organisations, like that of your main company, you should include links to their relevant websites and pages as well.
- License numbers, registration credentials and other legal information is all fit to go on your Impressum.
- Do include a brief intro of the owner/manager individual or company, along with a contact number and email id.
Impressum Example: How to generate Impressums:
In case you are still confused about the system you need to follow to get the best impressum, it is a great idea to have a look at some example Impressums. There are tens of Online Impressum Generator websites that can write the best impressums for you in no time. You can copy paste one directly, or use them to get a rough idea about your content.
Here are some websites you can use to generate an Impressum:
- muster-vorlagen.net/impressum-generator.html
- e-recht24.de/impressum-generator.html
- Impressum-generator.de
We hope this helps you create the ideal Impressum for your Page. A good presentation is a lot of what makes a Facebook Page popular, apart from the content. So if you’re interested in getting followers and reaping the full rewards of all your painstaking content posting, get yourself a great Facebook Impressum.
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