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Love Suikoden? Can’t wait for the 6th edition? Us neither! But when is it coming out? Read of to find out.
Considering Suikoden’s popularity and how people have been waiting for nearly a year since the first rumors of the 6th edition came out, it is a pretty sad deal that there has thus far been no confirmation about the date it is finally coming out. We don’t know if Suikoden 6 release date announced but we are also waiting for it.
But that said, there are also promising signs Suikoden 6 is coming out sometime soon. Read further for more insight.
First, the bad news…
The prime source of hope many of us Suikoden lovers turn to is the viral news that came out in 2015 announcing the release of Suikoden 6 soon. Not many might have noticed the date the rumor first made it to the internet, though. It was April Fools’ day! So that news is worth nothing. Also about Suikoden for ps4 and some are saying Suikoden for PC will be available.
It’s not all gloomy, though.
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The Good News: When Suikoden 6 is Releasing
The important reason why we need to wait for Konani to release Suikoden 6 is because the games that featured on previous versions have intellectual rights associated with them, and they are all almost exclusively owned by Konani. Even though Suikoden 2 made its way to PlayStation and was much loved by fans, it is rumored it didn’t meet the profits expected by the investors.
There has no doubt been a surge of interest, exasperation and pure rage after Konani’s disbanding of the Suikoden development team, and it has coalesced into what is being called the Suikoden Revival Movement. There is now consumer pressure on Konani to sell the IPs to a development company so there can be a new installment of the Suikoden phenomenon, but if and when that happens are both questions for the future.
As on now, there is no confirmation or denial of the possibility of sale of the Intellectual Properties, but the movement keeps growing. You can join it too. Follow their Facebook Page here for more. Soon Suikoden 6 release date announced.
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