We doubt any sane person would negate the fact that technological leaps have jump-started our lives. Time and again, we have found ourselves at a loss for words seeing, how it has unravelled our complexities, and made our jobs incredibly simple. If we ever attempt to deduce the actual impact of technology, we would grab our jaws off the floor, and learn how it has given an overhaul to almost everything associated with us – work, play, education and communication.
Undeniably, Technology has played a cardinal role in boosting our communication threshold thanks to the emergence of smart, handy devices with loads of phenomenal features. Technology has given us ‘inter connectivity’, probably one of the biggest luxury, to this fast-paced world. It all started with mailing and messaging (SMS), but the likes of Android, Windows, iPhone and Mac have now constricted the boundaries, and given much more to the world under the cloud of connectivity. iMessage is one such communication platform from Apple, which has streamlined the way we interact on Mac and iPads, and cruised to the zenith of success.
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iMessage – Meaning and Benefits
It wouldn’t be wrong to say that Apple isn’t just a company, but a fosterer of technology. The Silicon Valley giant has moved a step ahead, and trumped its competitors in their approach when it invented iMessage. Apple traced the contours of those territories which its contemporaries hadn’t even dreamt of. There was no inkling of rare of the rarest thoughts in their minds when Apple brought this app to the fore, addressing the communication woes of Mac users in the most epic way ever. iMessage is basically a quick and easy way to fire messages regardless of the device.
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Coming to define iMessage, it is an iOS application, downloading which the users can easily shoot down the messages across Mac computers without the need of opening the iPhones. Basically, it is a way to supply unlimited messages to one iOS device to another. The messages sent and received through iMessage need a local Wi-Fi connection, or an internet pack to be activated on your smartphone. It is a great way to forge contacts with important people in one’s life, not just through text messages, but also through videos, pictures, movies and etc.
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Nobody will be oblivious to the mighty line of the Apple’s Mac computers – Macbook Pro, iMac, Mac Mini, Mac Pro and Macbook Air. Not only does the iMessage run with equal efficiency on all of these, but also comes with wonderful synchronization benefits. This basically conveys that the conversations on Mac will be automatically synced with iPhones and iPads via iMessage. But, this is only applicable to iMessages, and not the regular SMSes/MMSes.
To manage iMessage, a user is not necessarily required to have an iPhone. An Apple ID is what he needs for the access. A Mac at home enables the users to keep up with their friends and relatives all the day round. Most of the offices work on the ultra-modern Mac computers, so iMessage makes it awesome to maintain a constant touch with colleagues and other staff members.
Another winning feature of iMessage is its support to group messaging. The iOS application allows users to invite other contacts to join a conversation, where all the participants can view the trail of messages.
Identifying the iMessages from the regular SMSes/ MMSes
Distinguishing iMessages from regular feeds holds no vagueness. It is quite simple and clear. Apple’s messaging app has its own indicators to suggest as to whether the text received is a regular one, or an iMessage.
1- The text entry field, or the bottom line of an iMessage mentions the name of the application in hazy letters, while those which are regular text messages come with a bottom line, showing ‘Text Message’.
2- While iMessages are displayed against the blue backdrop, regular text messages are represented by a green surround.
The ‘Only’ App, and not a ‘New’ one
Many users have misgivings about the iMessage that there would be two messaging apps on their iOS device. But, that’s true. Apple has been at its intellectual best, when it has integrated this messaging platform into the old one seamlessly, leaving no scope for any trouble. So, there is one messaging app and the ‘only’ one, which keeps the user updated and unruffled. The icons with the messages and the color differences will make it quicker for the users to identify which of them is coming from iMessage.
Downloading iMessage for Mac
・ To install ‘iMessage’, go to the ‘Dock’ or the ‘Home Screen’ of your ‘Mac’ computer and select ‘Messages’.
・ On the top-left corner, a drop-down menu will emerge, where you are supposed to click ‘Messages’ again and then there will be ‘Preferences’ option.
・ When you get through, click on the ‘Accounts’ button, and then the ‘iMessage’.
・ Now, you are required to enter the username and password of your Apple ID, and click Sign In.
・ A screen will appear, where you can see the ‘ticked’ option of ‘Enable this Account’ and other options. If you are trying to activate iMessage through iPhone, your phone number will also appear with a tick.
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Undeniably, iMessage is the best thing ever happened to iOS users. It is Apple’s way to abbreviate the complexities, and make communication an anytime, any device activity. When the compatibility is concerned, iMessage goes smooth on OSX Mountain Lion, though, there is time for the app to delight the Windows users. Nevertheless, iMessage is an excellent thing, and we all would vouch for this.
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